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'Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known' Carl Sagan


The Bigger Picture

Our world has become survival based, disconnected and void of true soulful living. Here, at the Studio, we want to hold space where people have their basic needs taken care of (e/g food, shelter, community) so they have more time being human: authentically expressing, exploring our gifts and healing.


What does this look like?

We all plant seeds and grow food, build and construct homes and take care of the practical, physical side of life. 


We will also focus on our collective and personal connectivity, whatever that may look like. We dance, hold circles, create art, meditate, move and open ourselves up to our internal and external expansion.

Our Philosophy: Portfolio

Where are we in the journey?

We are right at the beginning of our journey. We are calling for those who would like to be at the very start of something and to gain experience in creating something of this nature.

© 2020 by Tarah  Kandial, Charley Bradley, Inga Reinceke

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